Advance Reader Copies

I’m currently looking for ARC readers for Observations on the Danger of Female CuriosityObservations follows Thea Morell, a nerdy 18th century heiress, through her scientific observations and ultimately, observations about herself.

What is Arc reading?

Essentially, I provide you with a free electronic copy of the book, and in exchange you agree to read it and provide an honest review – ideally on Amazon, but this could also be on review websites like Goodreads or a blog or social media for example. Then I am indebted to you forever.

If you’re interested, please sign up below. You’ll get a confirmation email and then the link to the book in the next few days. Please remember to check your spam if you don’t see an email – they sometimes end up in there.

Thank you!

Observations on the Danger of Female Curiosity title page shown on an ereader on a wooden table in front of monstera leaves